Friday, November 28, 2008

Me & Mr Snail

Mr Snail is Aliff's favourite buddy ;)
We bought Mr Snail at Tesco about 2 weeks ago...

He can stare at Mr Snail for minutes,
and he just love playing with Mr Snail's red bowtie...
And he also loves Mr Bee who is attached to Mr Snail as well...

Aliff with Mr Snail in action :)

Cheeky Boy

I love this pic..
Notty boyyyy....

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Wishlist: Mei Tai

I've seen lots of Mei Tai pictures on the net, but tak penah pun teringin nak beli..
as I thought MT is a bit complicated compared to Ring Sling...

Tapi itu kata aku dulu...

Lepas join MalaysianBabywearers, baca2 pasal MT..
ohhh syoknyaaaa kalau ada MT..
Macam boleh terbayang2 cumelnya aku bawak Aliff pakai MT.. hihi...

Tengok ni.. Made in Malaysia.. cantik kan..

Jom tengok lagi kat sini

Ni lagi satu.. lawa jugak.. ish ish..

Ada banyakkkk lagi bleh order kat sini

So, ada sapa2 nak belikan tak?
Nak satu.....

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Kuku Kaki Kakakku Kok Kekok Kekok Kaki... blablabla..

Ntah ape2 tajuk entry aku kali ni kan..
Aku cuma nak bgtau yang aku sakit kaki jalan2 kat klcc tadi..
kasut baru yang aku beli aritu rasa mcm ketat laa plak..

Nampaknya aku terpaksa sedekah kasut tu kat sape2 :(

Dan apesal ntah, arini aku rasa mcm kaki aku busuk..
Selalu wangiiii je (yer aku cium kaki aku sendiri...)
Apesal ekkk...

Updated (4.54 pm)

Aku edit lagi entry nih..
malas nk tambah post..

tadi aku nyaris2 menambah hutang kad kredit aku..
sebabnya aku pegi masuk Parkson + Isetan kat department toys..
macam banyakkkk sangat benda yang aku teringin nak beli utk Aliff..

tapi mujurlah aku terbayang total hutang aku..
dengan berat hatinya aku balik dengan tangan kosong..

to nafsu aku: takpe ye.. cuba lagi di masa akan datang... :P

Monday, November 17, 2008

Song of The Day: Dari Sini Ke Bintang2

Siapa cakap aku tak layan lagu Melayu?
Best tau lagu nih.. :D
Aku ske lagu nih tp x minat pun penyanyi dia..

Dari sini ke bintang-bintang
Farah Asyikin

Kita dewasa di sini
Kita belajar berdiri
Atas dua kaki sendiri

Tapi kini kau ingin bulan
Aku pula impikan bintang
Mampukah sanggupkah tempat ini
Bersama kita tinggalkan

Dari sini ke bintang-bintang
Perjalanannya sungguh panjang
Biar berat kaki melangkah pergi
Genggamlah tanganku ini...hei6x

Pastikan terasa rindu
Ada rakan yang dahulu
Menghidupkan kau dan aku...oooo

Ku simpankan semua kenangan
Mereka yang paling ku sayang
Mampukah mungkinkah kita kembali
Bersama kegemilangan

Dari sini ke bintang-bintang
Perjalanannya sungguh panjang
Biar berat kaki melangkah pergi
Genggamlah tanganku ini...

Ayah dan ibu berilah restu
Carilah namaku
Kan ku tuliskan di langit biru.....hei..hei...hei...

Dari sini ke bintang-bintang
Perjalanannya sungguh panjang
Biar berat kaki melangkah pergi
Genggamlah tanganku ini...yeye...

Surprise My Dear!!!

I can call this as a surprise ONLY WHEN hubby doesn't read my blog starting from today till the rest of the week ;)

This thing just arrived. A collegue handed it to me just now.

I decided to get this as his birthday (on 23rd) cum anniversary (on 24th) present.
A PS3 game: Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm Limited Edition

So darling, surprise!!!!
Hope you'll love it... :x

Kalau Kanda jemput aku balik petang nanti tersengih2 + muka hepi tak hingat,
maknanya dia dah baca lah blog aku nih.. ahaha..

Updated on 18/11/2008, 9.41 am

I decided to give it to hubby on our way back home yesterday...
Memang dia surprise sangat2 as he didn't expected that..
Glad to see that excitement, eventho kontrol2 depan aku.. chisss..
Nih laa ape yg ada dlm Limited Edition box tu..

* Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm (game)
* Steel Case Metal Box <-- ohhh cantik laa box dia.. rasa mcm nk mintak balik ;)
* Original Soundtrack
* Limited Edition laser cell art piece
* Collectible card

Pastu malam semlm kanda pun dok melayan games nih sampai kul baper ntah..
Pakai dua2 controller lak tu..

Sleepy Baby!!

I took these pics on Saturday when Aliff just woke up..
Tengoklah dagu berlapis2 tu.. Haha..

BTW, I also got that leher berlapis2..
tgh usaha nak bagi ilang nih :D

Postpartum Depression???

This one copy-paste from

Do you feel anxious and moody a lot but chalk it up to new-mom nerves? As the weeks go by, has your partner or a friend wondered if your "baby blues" may be more serious? Don't let embarrassment or pride keep you from talking with your doctor. As many as 10 to 20 percent of new mothers develop postpartum depression, which can last from two weeks to as long as a year. It's a real and treatable illness.

If you're still not feeling like yourself three months after giving birth, ask yourself the following questions, which were developed by the Postpartum Stress Center: in Rosemont, Pennsylvania. Do you:

• have trouble sleeping?
• feel exhausted most of the time?
• have less of an appetite?
• worry about little things that never used to bother you?
• wonder whether you'll ever have time to yourself again?

• think your children would be better off without you?
• worry your partner will get tired of you feeling this way?
• snap at your partner and children frequently?

• think other moms are better mothers than you are?
• cry over small things?
• no longer enjoy the things you used to enjoy?

• isolate yourself from your friends and neighbors?
• fear leaving the house or being alone?
• have anxiety attacks?
• have unexplained anger?
• have difficulty concentrating?
• think something is wrong with you?

• feel like you'll always feel this way and never get better?

If you answered yes to three or more questions, the Postpartum Stress Center recommends that you seek advice and treatment.

So, what should I do next?

Friday, November 14, 2008

Me & My Carseat

Look! The very first time Aliff in his carseat...

Uhhh... ape niiii...
kenapa tak boleh duduk dengan Mama...?

Best jugak ada seat sendiri ni..

Last2 tidoooo....

To all SDV team, thanks a lot for this carseat!!!

Daily Chore That I Hate...

Inilah keja aku tiap2 malam lepas balik keja..
Basuh botol.. pastu kena sterilize..
Malas betul.. sebab berlambak...
Untuk storage je ada 6 botol, pastu plus 4 botol MAM lagik..
ngan breastpump parts lagik..
yang botol MAM tu paling leceh.. sbb ada byk parts..
Tengok je lah gambar kat bawah ni..

Tiap kali sesi mencuci botol memang aku jadi bad mood lah...

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

It Caught My Eyes... Again! Termimpi2...

Tadi lunch hour pegi S&M yg kat sebelah kotaraya tu..
My beloved hubby nak beli game Little Big Planet (finally!)...
kat kedai game tu macam biasa aku akan belek2 ape yg ada..

and it caught my eyes.. again..
especially yang kaler merah macam ni..

Aku penah masukkan dalam wishlist dlm previous entry..
Nampaknya dah setahun pun tak tercapai lagik hasratku itu...

Oh NDS Lite.. I wish I could have you...

Kalau ikut nafsu serakah memang aku dah swipe je kad plastik tu tadi..
Mujurlah hubby ada kat sebelah..
Hampir2 hilang pertimbangan tu.. hihi...

Takpelah... mungkin belum rezeki aku :)

Mr Lion Is My Friend!

These pics were taken shortly before we left Aliff for work this morning..

That squeking lion is one of his companion, besides Mr Penguin and his favourite wrattle...
Too bad the squeking sound was damaged..
But it is good for him practice holding things :)

And he loves sucking his thumb nowadays...

Also.. if u notice, that's not mittens on his hand, but booties..
We run out of mittens as Aliff's growing up and most of them can't fit him anymore..
Poor my little baby :P

Kemalasan Melanda

Hari nih nak berehat2 kejap belah pagi...

Petang nanti lepas lunch lah baru start wat keja..

BTW, my ebm stock dh abisss..

So start hari ni kena usaha lebih sket..

Giler kannnn....

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

My Baby Kangaroo

Lately Aliff loves to be babywearing this way..
Well, easier for me too :)

Monday, November 10, 2008

Song of The Day: Prodigal

Hari ni macam giler dgn lagu nih..
Best plak dengar..

Prodigal - OneRepublic


We say goodbye
I turn my back
Run away, run away
So predictable

Not far from here
You see me crack
Like a bone, like a bone
I'm so breakable

And I take everything
From you
But you'll take anything
Won't you?

Run away, run away
Like a prodigal
Don't you wait for me
Don't you wait for me
So ashamed, so ashamed
But I need you so
And you wait for me
And you wait for me

I'm on the road
To who knows where?
Look ahead, not behind
I keep saying
There's no place to go
Where you're not there
On your rope, I hold tight
But it's freeing

And I'll take everything
From you
But you'll take anything
Won't you?

Run away, run away
Like a prodigal
Don't you wait for me
Don't you wait for me
So ashamed, so ashamed
But I need you so
And you wait for me
And you wait for me

Everybody wants to be right
But only if it's not daylight?
I keep trying to find my way back
My way back

Run away, run away
Like a prodigal
Don't you wait for me
Don't you wait for me
So ashamed, so ashamed
But I need you so
And you wait for me
And you wait for me

From you
From you
From you

Mari Mengejar Mood Yang Lariiii.....

Hari ini saya datang ke pejabat dengan semangat yang kuat.
Saya bertekad saya akan siapkan kerja saya hari ini juga.
Akan tetapiii....

Setelah sejam dua saya mengadap komputer riba saya, entah bagaimana mood (apa mood dalam bahasa melayu ek?) tiba-tiba je macam hilang taktau ke mana.. Akhirnya saya terpaksa melayari internet dengan harapan mood saya itu akan kembali..

Doa2kanlah begitu.. kerana esok saya mesti mempersembahkan hasil kerja saya kepada ahli kumpulan projek tersebut...

Maafkan saya kerana menulis dalam bahasa melayu yang berterabur..
SPM saya BM dapat A2 je.. ;)

Friday, November 7, 2008

Kucing Gumok!!!

Macam kelakarlah pulak tgk kucing nih..
siap slide2 tu..

Tapi cumel..

I Miss You... Blink 182

I love Blink 182..
They used to be my favourite band.. and they still are..
I did buy their cds and downloaded their music videos for my personal collection...
I wonder where did I put them..

But too bad they split up..
Mark and Travis come up with a new band called +44, whereas Tom with Angels & Airwaves... but to me, neither of them interest me as Blink 182..

This is one of my personal fav song..
I think this is a sweet song despite how crazy Tom, Mark + Travis are :)

Going Away To College
Blink 182

Please take me by the hand
It's so cold out tonight, I'll
Put blankets on the bed
I won't turn out the light, just
Don't forget to
Think about me, and I
Won't forget you
"I'll write you once a week" she said

Why does it feel the same
To fall in love or break it off?
And if young love is just a game, then
I must have missed the kick-off
Don't depend on me to
Ever follow through on
Anything but
I'd go through Hell for you and

I haven't been this scared
In a long time
And I'm so unprepared
So here's your valentine
Bouquet of clumsy words
A simple melody
This world's an ugly place
But you're so beautiful to me

I'll think about the times
She kissed me after class and
She put up with my friends
I acted like an ass, I
Ditched my lecture
To watch the girls play soccer
Is my picture
Still hanging in her locker?

I haven't been this scared
In a long time
And I'm so unprepared
So here's your valentine
Bouquet of clumsy words
A simple melody
This world's an ugly place
But you're so beautiful...

I haven't been this scared
In a long time
And I'm so unprepared
So here's your valentine
Bouquet of clumsy words
A simple melody
This world's an ugly place
But you're so beautiful...

Yes, they're crazy..
Just watch this video..
Mark performed live and naked.. wheeeee....


Rasa menyampahlah pulak..
bila tengah bizi buat keja..
pastu ada mamat mana ntah ym..
seriously aku tak ingat sape ntah..
tp dia claim dulu2 aku rajin sembang ym ngan dia..
pastu aku mmg bizi lah nak kejar dateline..
aku malas nak melayan ym dia..
bukan dia saja, laki aku pun kdg2 je aku reply msg dia..

pastu ada hati nak merajuk ngan aku..

buatlah keja tu
dh x nak layan saya ek

menyampah lah orang2 mcm ni..

okeh aku nak gi sambung keja balik...

I Wish... (Again?!!!)

Hubby's birthday is coming..
I wish I can get him this one...
Otherwise I hope he doesn't mind getting a lovely kiss as his birthday present..

Just pray that my wish will come true this time :)

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Bright Sun Shiny Day...

Today I woke up late, around 9.30 am..
As mentioned in my previous entry, I had to stay up the whole night (or is it early morning?) since Aliff is awake..
Notty boy..
Had to go to office by public transports today..
So my husband dropped me at KTM Bangi station..

Sunyi sepi je stesen komuter time2 mcm ni...

Felt sooooo sleepy...
so sampai KL Sentral, menyinggah kat satu kedai..
end up with these things..

A large handbag yg boleh sumbat segala-mala...
Beg 'operasi' aku pun leh muat dlm tu..

Kasut baru.. kasut baru...

And a new purse...

Now, these really make my day...

Keluang Man

Ini budak kan..
very2 cheeky lah nowadays...

Since pindah balik dok bangi ni..
keja dia berjaga malam je..
Aku balik keja dia tido..
Nenda dia ckp siang pun dia tido..
Pastu bila aku nak tido, secara otomatik dia bangun..
Sampailah kul 4,5 pagi..
Bila dia jaga nak kena melayan lak..
Tak kesahlah layan sembang ke ajak main ke..
Kalo tak dia nanti dia nangis top volume punya...

Dah 2 hari berturut2 dia tido kul 6 pagi..
Jenuh laa aku..

Gambar atas tu masa aku tgh main 'kuda2' ngan dia kul 5.21 pagi tadi..

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

My Top Achievement

Selama ni plg byk pun dpt 8 oz je persession..
Nih hasil operasi dalam 30 minit..
Kira oklah kan.. manual pump tuuuuu....
Boleh banyak lagi tapi malas lak nk tuang dalam botol + sambung balik..
Takpelah simpan untuk next session plak.. :)

Penunggu Traffic Light

Benda ni dah lama ada, cuma tak teramik2 gambar lagik..
aritu lalu aku suh kanda snap pakai cam hp..

Dari jauh dah bleh nampak..

Tu diaaaa....

Kat batu caves je ke ada ni?
Kat tpt lain2 ada jugak tak?


Tah sape laa yg dress up budak bulat nih..
semua benda tak matching...

baju kaler ijau..
suar kaler biru..
mittens sebelah kaler lain2..
booties pun sebelah corak lain2...

aku laa punya keja tu kot..

kesian anak aku kan...

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Bags.. Bags.. Bags..

I'm looking for a new bag..
particularly handbag.. or tote bag.. or shoulder bag..
but not backpack as i already need to carry my laptop backpack..
anything that can fit my breastpump set, my purse, my handphone, makeup pouch, etc, etc..
but still look stylo at the same time..
(macamlah aku ni fashionista sangat.. aha..)

Nanti bila aku dh surf2 jumpa mana2 yg berkenan aku letaklah as new wishlist ;)

Miss You Love~

I tried really hard to focus on my work today...


But somehow I still feel distracted.
Keep thinking of my little one.
I miss him so much!

I hope the office hours will end soon.
Can't wait to hug2 and kiss2 si budak bulat...

I'm A Hallmark Baby :)

This is Aliff in the morning of his Majlis Aqiqah + Cukur Jambul.

Not even 5 minutes later the hat already gone.

Still looks handsome tho...

Thanks a lot to Ainee + Dayang for this outfit! :)

Jangan Betulkan Posisi Anda

Tengoklah budak kecik nih..
Tiap2 pagi bangun tido je aku tengok dia macam ni..

Senget2.. ahaha..

Anak sape lah tu ;)

The Pursuit of Lazy-ness

Yeah.. no need to say more..

It's already 6am..
I should go for shower and ready to go to office..

But I am too lazy to do anything..


Updated at 9.20 am
I just noticed that this is my 100th entry.

Lovely Hubby

I can't say that my husband is the greatest in the world.
But he is definitely the greatest in MY WORLD..

Eversince my pregnancy, I've been moody.
And after the birth, plus all the tiredness and stress, it became worst.

But my hubby is always there for me.
He helps me changing the baby diapers day and night, whenever I don't feel like to do so..
He helps me took care of the baby whenever I am so tired and need some rest...
He didn't say anything whenever I yell or nag at him, as he understands it's not my intention to do so, I am just too damn tired..

For all the reasons above and those not mentioned here (as it will be a long list), I'd like to thank you my dear... I really appreciate every single thing you did.. And for the countless time, I wanted to tell you that...

Ok now, will you help me change aliff's diaper please... :)

Lost in Space?

I still haven't got my ringsling.
It's been almost a month already.

I can't recall how long the breastpump took to be delivered to my doorstep.
But I guess not longer than this.
How long aa the shipping from USA - Malaysia?

Or has mister postman lost the direction to my home again?

Ehh wait.. Actually I adressed it to my office.
Should be a lot easier.

But why I still haven't received it yet?

Ni yang rasa nak mengamuk ni...

New Wishlist: Medela Freestyle

As a working and pumping mom, I'm drooling over this...

Medela Freestyle

Features and Benefits
Freestyle is designed with every mom in mind. The choice is in the palm of your hand!

Hands-free accessories — provides the freedom for true pumping mobility
Rechargeable battery — allows for 3 hours of pumping time per charge
Small and lightweight — weighs less than 1 pound and can fit in the palm of your hand
2-Phase Expression® technology — smart and powerful pumping that is proven to mimic a baby’s natural nursing pattern and get more milk in less time
LCD screen, digital display — lit screen provides a digital display that can also be used as a nightlight for those late pumping sessions
Memory button — allows mom to save her favorite pumping pattern for ease and efficiency for the next pumping session
Cute tote bag — holds pumping essentials and more. All of the coordinating accessories are removable, so tote can be used separately.

I've read that some people even use this while driving!
That makes me want this really bad!!!
However... I found out that the cheapest price in Malaysia is around RM1800. Whoaaaaa....!!!

I've done some calculations. If I save around RM50 - RM100 permonth pun tak dapat lagi dlm masa setahun. Haha..
I can't afford more than that as I agreed to pay for AQUOS monthly installment at my parent's in 2 years. Great!

Another calculation, maybe I'll wait for my car installment which ends in April next year, then wait for another 4 months to get one. Haha..

Another option.. I can paksa2 my beloved hubby to buy it for me..
Buy it means swap the card lah..
So I don't think he'll agree to this.. :(

After all, none of my wishlist ever came true..
Kesian kan...

Wahai Abang Zaidi...

It's been quite sometime since last update.

Yes, I already moved back to our home sweet home @ Bangi last Saturday.

Got a few issues tho...

The baby amik masa adapting himself with the new environment.
He loves it when the MIL play with him but refuses to be fed by her.
We try left him alone with MIL on Sunday, and during shopping, got phone calls from MIL telling us yg Aliff taknak minum susu + asik meraung.
Ohh this make me worried sick.
Which led to my EL on Monday.
And also made me give some thoughts of quitting the job and stay at home.
But then, sape nak bayar hutang yg keliling pinggang tu?

Well.. ape kena mengena ngan title post aku nih?
Haha takde ape.. last Thursday i heard this song played on the radio while driving, and I got this song stucked in my head eversince.
Menyampah tau! :)