Assalamualaikum & greetings... Please take note that EVERYTHING I jot down here does not reflect myself.. So I won't allow any judgements made based on my blogging.. ok?
Friday, December 2, 2011
Movie: Friends With Benefits
Friday, November 25, 2011
Bila Tak Boleh Tidur

Suka tengok gambar anak2 tidur.

Atau gambar atas sekali.
Gambar baby itu anak buah saya.
Babygirl yg bambam dan sangat tomei2.
Sudah teringinkah?
Nanti dulu, tunggu setahun dua lagi mungkin. ;)
posted from Bloggeroid
This date, 33 years ago, I was 4-months-old.
Knew nothing, only cried asking to be fed, and did amusing things that hopefully did cheer up my parents (ha-ha).
I never thought that on this date, a baby was born, and just like me, cried to be fed, and did amusing things that hopefully did cheer up his parents as well.
But today, he is now 33 years old. With God’s will, we met each other and united 5 years ago. Yes, we still cry sometimes, but this time we cry together; because we have each other’s shoulder to cry on. We do amusing things together to cheer ourselves. We have our ups and downs in life, but we managed as long as we have each other. We’re blessed with our 2 little bosses, who’s the best ‘teacher’ for us to become (hopefully good) parents. (And sometimes they require us to become clowns, cars, athletes, doctors, etc… you name it..)
And for that, I thank you Allah, for Your greatest gift, the birth of my beloved husband, my soul mate. I pray only the best thing for him, best of health, and I pray for him to be in our life, as long as You permits. And I hope that will be until the end of our life journey.
So, Happy Birthday my dear Razman Zaem.
And Happy 5th Anniversary as well.
With lots of love, always and forever.
The Tra-La-La Song
Kepada mereka2 yang pernah naik kereta aku, mesti diorang tau yang kereta aku dah lama takde radio. Radio dah lama rosak. Ala, pakej radio datang sekali dengan kereta beb, faham2 ajelah berapa lama je bertahan. Lagipun, kereta aku bukanlah jenama negara 4 musim. Buatan Malaysia. Tapi aku tetap bangga pakai kereta Kelisa aku ni. Tak faham kenapa Perodua stop produce Kelisa dan gantikan dengan Viva. Mungkin nama Kelisa tu tak komersial. Sebab tak komersial la aku bagi nama kereta aku "Tornado". Bunyinya macho dan hensemlah sedikit. Baru sedap nak bawak. Dan yang penting dah habis bayar, walaupun kereta hensem ni dah buruk.
M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E(Mickey): It's me!M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-EIt's the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.Come inside, it's fun inside.It's the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.Roll call!
Dibo hears you make a wishDibo likes to give a giftDibo lives in CozyLandDINGBODINGBODING
Alien datang menakluki bumi...Demi koko yang dicari2..Mereka kan tiba tak lama lagi..Apa mungkin terjadi..Jadi kita perlukan penyelamat bumi...Boboiboy...
- Lagu yang wajib menjadi pilihan adalah lagu "Semangat Yang Hilang" - XPDC. Gila best nyanyi lagu ni sambil feeling2 metal kapak. Serius besttttt... Mengimbas kenangan silam zaman study kat Shah Alam dulu...
- Rupanya aku banyak hafal lagu2 rock kapak. "Keunggulan cinta... dari sinar mata.. yang bergeloraaaaaa..."
- Aku taktau lagu2 Siti Nurhaliza mahupun Siti Nordiana, Siti Sarah dan lain2 Siti..
- Walaupun aku peminat Anuar Zain, takde satu lagu pun yang aku ingat dari mula sampai habis. Maka, aku tak penah nyanyi lagu dia ataupun aku just humming atau nyanyi sekerat jalan.
- Aku boleh menyanyi dengan penuh perasaan walaupun takde muzik. Muzik pun aku buat sendiri sambil ketuk2 stering dan kadang2 hampir tertekan hon.
- Bila aku bawak T-Hawk, aku lupa bukak radio. Aku pun nyanyi sendiri. Pastu lama2 aku teringat yang kereta ni ada radio. Bukak radio. Dan aku sambung nyanyi balik (tak ikut pun lagu apa yg keluar kat radio). Haha serius bodoh..
- Yang bagusnya, kalau drive Tornado bawak anak2, aku lebih suka nyanyi lagu nasyid sifat 20. Syukurlah..
- Patutlah kawan2 tak pernah ajak aku pergi karaoke. Diorang dah boleh agak rupanya suara (dan perangai) aku macam mana. Sampai hati diorang. Sob sob..
Pak Lan, hang dah baca kan awat akak nak hadiah ni.Akak rasa, kalau akak dapat benda ni, boleh la akak letak dalam kereta akak.Penumpang2 kereta akak takdelah terseksa telinga mendengar suara akak ok..Akak dah kenen2 hang punya Samsung Galaxy Tab, tapi itulah.. kang orang kata, bagi betis nak peha pulak.. so dapat yang ni je pun jadilah..Boleh dengar radio, boleh letak mp3 mengaji kot2 laki akak nak dengaq ka, atau anak2 buleh nyanyi lagu kanak2 depa. Bukan dalam kereta ja, sambil akak masak2 di dapur pun akak boleh layan. Amacam? Sempoi dak?BTW Pak Lan, hang nak try naik kereta akak time takdak radio dak?
Friday, November 18, 2011
Vampire Movies
Twilight: Breaking Dawn Pt 1 is coming to cinema.

So everyone's is like, "oh edward... oh jacob..."
But me, hell no.
I'm not into twilight series.
I love vampire movies.
But not with the mushy2 love stories.
Especially with the so-kayu-heroin.
I watched The Vampire Diaries.
Love story jugak, tapi somehow with damn interesting plots..
and Twilight can't even compare with that.
Up until now I still can't understand why people lovesssss it so much.
Ok, one exception. Jacob is hot. Nice body.
And cute sweet Alice. Make it two..
But Edward? Bella? Apekah yang best sangat?
My all time favourite vampire movies, obviously these:-
1) Blade Trilogy
Hero kelam sikit, but the action is well-packed!
IMO, the best is Blade 2. But I am biased, since abang Ryan Reynolds is in Blade Trinity, I love this more.

2) Underworld Trilogy (but no 4 is coming soon)

We don't need a man vampire to be the hero.
Enough said.
Saturday, October 1, 2011
paNavia is back!

The Panavia Tornado is a family of twin-engine, variable-sweep wing combat aircraft, which was jointly developed by the United Kingdom,West Germany and Italy. There are three primary versions of the Tornado; the Tornado IDS (interdictor/strike) fighter-bomber, the suppression of enemy air defences Tornado ECR (electronic combat/reconnaissance) and the Tornado ADV (air defence variant) interceptor.
Developed and built by Panavia Aircraft GmbH, a tri-national consortium consisting of British Aerospace (previously British Aircraft Corporation), MBB of West Germany, and Aeritalia of Italy, the Tornado first flew on 14 August 1974. It saw action with the Royal Air Force(RAF), Italian Air Force and Royal Saudi Air Force in the Gulf War. International co-operation continued after its entry into service within the Tri-National Tornado Training Establishment, a tri-nation training and evaluation unit operating from RAF Cottesmore, UK. Including all variants, 992 aircraft were built for the three partner nations and Saudi Arabia.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Lauk Cencaru Goreng Sumbat
posted from Bloggeroid
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Ukur Tinggi Anak
Sebab ada condition utk budak tinggi 3 kaki.
Chat with hubby via YM
Me: agak2 tinggi aliff baper?
kalau 3 kaki lebih kurang 90 cm camtu
Kanda: xsure..kene ukur dari ujung jari u sampau siku u brape cm..
pastu ukur kat dia
Me: wahahahhahahahahah...
Monday, July 4, 2011
Thursday, June 23, 2011
I Will Try To Fix Myself
Coldplay - Fix You
When you try your best, but you don't succeed
When you get what you want, but not what you need
When you feel so tired, but you can't sleep
Stuck in reverse
And the tears come streaming down your face
When you lose something you can't replace
When you love someone, but it goes to waste
Could it be worse?
Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you
And high up above or down below
When you're too in love to let it go
But if you never try you'll never know
Just what you're worth
Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you
Tears stream down on your face
When you lose something you cannot replace
Tears stream down on your face
And I...
Tears stream down on your face
I promise you I will learn from my mistakes
Tears stream down on your face
And I...
Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you
A few weeks ago I had emotional breakdown. And I believe I still am.
How could this happen?
I've been busy with work. So little time, so much to do!
I'm kinda not 'IN' with my current job. Whoever knows me, documentation is SO NOT ME!
Therefore, gua stressssssssssssssss gilaaaaa....
Since I have 2 little kids, I am not willing to stay back late.
Balik rumah penat, kena masak2 and melayan anak2. Also gave me headache.
My kids are priority. Diorang ni pulak jenis kalau tak sihat berganti2.
So I have to take care of them, bergilir2. Dan sometimes, I got sick too.. Means, no rest.
Worst, I took a lot of EL and MC.
Masuk lambat toksah cerita la.
And there are also some reasons that I cannot mention here.
Better keep it to myself.
Whoever knows, they know.
But, those lead to my emotional breakdown.
I feel exhausted.
SO I took just took a month off from my job.
Spend some time with my precious.
And do things I'd love to do: watch movies, masak2..
And then I realize.
I want to be at home.
Taknak bangun pagi2 siap2 pegi keja opis.
I love being hug and cuddled by my kids early morning.
Mandikan diorg. Siapkan diorg.
Only then I sent them to nursery kalau ada hal nak dibuat hari tu.
Or when I need a day for myself.
Simply said, I just can't commit to be in office fulltime.
(Note to myself: Agak menyesal jugak la quit ngan S*** yg work from home tu.
But as I said, I can't commit to something that I just don't like doing it)
Dipendekkan cerita, saya nekad hantar resignation letter.
Walaupun dalam kepala risau tentang loans dan hutang2 lain yang perlu dibayar.
Juga bil-bil.
Tapi saya tawakal.
Sekurang2nya saya dah tak perlu rasa bersalah kalau terpaksa amik cuti dan menyusahkan orang lain.
Saya nak tengok anak2 saya membesar depan mata.
Mungkin saya still akan hantar ke nursery sekali-sekala.
Kejam tak kalo camtu? Hehehe..
So, my last day will be this 30th June.
Lepas tu, semuanya masih samar2.
Insya Allah, rezeki ada di mana2.
Dan satu perkara lagi, apa2 pun, berbalik kepada Yang Satu.
I admit, I am not a good Muslim.
Thank you hubby, you keep reminding me and please continue that!
Wish me the very best of luck!
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Monday, June 20, 2011
Projek Father's Day

Punya la buruk rupanya kan..
Sbb aku mmg takde alat2 utk mendeco ni. Nozzle, spatula apa suma takde. Aku piping ni guna plastik je. Punya la gigih tak gigih. Tujuan sebab nak belajar buat buttercream tu je. Aku jumpa resipi kat internet pastu saja nak try. Tak susah mana pun. Ada lagi satu aku buat.. Kek lapis hawflakes.. Tp yg tu tak snap gambor la plak. Nnt lenkali la kalo buat lagi aku share.
Nanti nak suh Kanda repair oven cepat2 so that boleh try buat cheese tart. Tak sabor.. Pastu kalo rajin thn ni boleh buat saja kuih raya sendiri. Oyeah!
posted from Bloggeroid
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Friday, March 18, 2011
Friday, January 7, 2011
Niat Baik Tu Dah Ada...
Aku bagi contoh la 2 kejadian yang pernah aku alami:-
Kejadian 1
Ada satu hari tu naik LRT. Tak ingat dari mana tapi nak balik ke umah Batu Caves.
So naik ke Terminal Putra Gombak la ni.
Masa tu kat depan aku ada sorang pakcik buta.
Sampai kat Stesen Taman Melati, dia nak turun.
Tapi orang ramai nak masuk pastu diorg ni macam tak consider.
Boleh plak sibuk masuk block jalan pakcik ni nak kuar.
Last2 pintu tren tutup, dan dia tak dapat kuar.
Kesian dia. Pas Taman Melati tu, stesen Terminal Putra.
Aku ni dengan niat baik nak menolong dia.
Sampai Terminal Putra tu aku ajak dia kuar.
Kononnya kuar pastu amik tren lain patah balik ke Taman Melati.
Tapi aku bengong la masa tu, sebab aku LUPA sama sekali Terminal Putra tu stesen last.
Of course la tren tu akan patah balik, ko duduk je dalam tu tapayah kuar.
Adik aku bising la, sebab pakcik tu dah kuar, pastu dia kena masuk balik dalam tren.
Kesian dia. Ampun pakcik, saya berniat baik.
Tapi saya bengong. Haha...
Kejadian 2
Baru je jadi dalam minggu ni.
Aku singgah Manjaku baby store kat Bandar Baru Bangi tu.
Well kedai tu sentiasa ramai orang, ntah bila lengangnya pun aku tatau.
Ramai sangat kot org ada baby kat Bangi.
Tak pun ramai datang situ nak beli hadiah otw melawat sesapa yang bersalin kat An-Nur & Az-Zahrah.
So aku round le dalam tu.
Nampak satu mamat ni dok belek2 breastpump brand ape tah aku tak ingat.
Aku tengok dia kejap2 belek, letak. Amik balik, belek2, letak.
Last2 aku gi tegur dia... Dialog adalah seperti berikut:-
Me: Nak cari pump ke?
Mamat: Haah
Me: Saya suggest kan, kalau nak beli pump tapi tak sure, try pegi ada satu kedai ni.
Saya tak ingat nama dia apa, tapi cuba cari kat row belakang Az-Zahrah & An-Nur tu. Ada tulis kat atas kedai dia tu. Kat situ ada banyak choices sikit.
Diorg boleh rekemen macam2 jenis, kalau nak bawak wife pegi test dulu pun boleh.
(Wah ada gaya promoter lak aku)
Mamat: Oo ye ke? Kat mana tadi?
Me: Tau kan Az-Zahrah & An-Nur tu. Kat area situ la tapi belah belakang.
Mamat: Ok2, thanks ye. Sini pun tak banyak choices.
Me: Ok, no problem.
Pastu mamat tu pun letak balik pump tu dan aku pun balik.
On the way balik tu, kuar lalu ikut jalan belakang.
Aku nampak kedai yang aku cakap tu.
Eh aisehhhh silap info daaaa...
rupanya betul2 kat belakang row Manjaku tu.
Yang Az-Zahrah & An-Nur tu kat sebelah sana lagi satu.
Hahahaha ampun yer bang.. saya takde niat nak menyusahkan abang.
Tapi saya harap2 abang jumpa la kedai yang saya cakap tu.
Ataupun sekurang2nya abang berjaya la beli pump untuk wife abang :P
Sekian. Terima kasih.
To Say Yes or No?
Dia cakap dia akan basuh 3 kali seminggu, and I just need to pay RM35 for the whole month. Tapi basuh bahagian luar je.
Mula2 macam interested, tapi aku punya concern is bahagian dalam kereta. Sebab belah dalam sangatlah semak.
Especially when kids.. ehh.. kitorg suka makan dalam kereta. Bersepah2. So I said NO.
Tapi bila pikir2 balik macam kesian la jugak.
Let say dia basuh keta sebulan 10 keta baru RM350 je kan.
So nak best kena la at least 100 bijik or paling koman pun 50 bijik keta baru la rasa berbaloi kepenatan dia.
Tiap2 kereta seminggu cuci 3 kali. Katakan 50 bijik keta la.
So 150 kali nak kena cuci keta dalam masa 5 hari(consider hari kerja je).
So 150/5 = 30 bijik keta kena cuci sehari?!!
Betulkah pengiraan aku ni?
Banyaknya! Cuci manual lap sendiri pakai tangan je.
Aku ni nak cuci keta sendiri sebulan sekali pun payah...
So, patutkah aku menyumbang kepada income that guy?
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Leaving on A Jetplane
Sedap betul tengok diorang tido. Nyenyak gila.
Aku kena kuar awal now sbb opis baru masuk keja kul 8.30 am.
(Awal kan.. masa kat SCAN dulu masuk kul 9.30 tapi itu pun ada hati nak sampai kul 10.. ahahaha)
Dengan berat hati, aku pun cium dahi dua budak-busyuk-tapi-comel ni sebelum pesan apa2 yang patut kat hubby.
Barulah aku tau macam mana perasaan hubby tiap2 pagi dia nak pegi keja sebelum ni...
Monday, January 3, 2011
Dialog Masuk Sekolah
kat hujung berita tu dok tunjuk pasal orientasi budak2 masuk sekolah
Me: Zaman kitorang dulu2 takde orientation camni. Mak bapak campak je anak2 kat sekolah pastu pandai2 sendirilah.. kan? (tanya hubby)
Hubby senyum je...
Me: Tapi kadang2 ada jugak anak2 relax je, mak bapak lak yang risau anak masuk sekolah.
Ayah: Teringat lak masa mula2 ayah hantar ayie dulu. Cikgu dia buat camni.
(Dialog antara cikgu dan murid2 adalah seperti berikut)
Cikgu: Murid2, suka pergi sekolah tak?
Murid2: SUKAAAAAA!!! (jawab kuat2 dan ramai2)
Cikgu: Takut tak pergi sekolah?
Murid2: TAKKKKK!!!
Cikgu: Kalau tak takut, kenapa ibu bapa masih berada di tingkap? (tanya cikgu sambil gelak2 pandang tingkap)
Kitorg: Hahahahahahhaa...
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Dialog Sengal
part VH jadik werewolf, pastu bulan kena tutup awan + VH jadi manusia balik..
me: eh apesal suar dia tak koyak ek. Bkn patut suar dia koyak abis masa jd werewolf? Pinggang sama ek?
Hubby: eh tu bukan suar dia la.. Tu bulu
me: wahahahahahahahhaahaha..
tzk senonoh kan? Seb baik bdk2 ni tak paham apa2 lagik. Sengal!