Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Hate Memo

Mode: Pissed off!
Double pissed off!!!

There are only 2 reasons I'll cry:-

1) Someone's loss
2) When I am terribly pissed off!!!
.. which I am at this moment...


Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Just Some Recaps

These are advices that I got from someone regarding my decision whether to stay or to go back then in my old company... And now i've been considering same advices.. why? Let me keep it to myself first until everything's confirmed...

"****, I believe U can make it overthere. I don't think that should be a big issue. Remember **** wouldn't go this far without U-r hardwork. Cont.

However, the salary is another story. I think now U have to choose between working 4 something U love or working 4 money. I think it's nice to have both, so maybe U can discuss or re-discussed about the salary with pak *****. If he say that he's unable to matched up the job offer then U can choose working 4 love and wait 4 6 mo.s B4 browsing 4 another offer. Cont.

If by then the offer is still not come close to the future job offer than U can decide to work 4 money & leave the co. Otherwise, U can just go right a head 4 the job offer. Of course-lah there will be questions about whether U can make it there but I think U'll overcome them in short time.

As U-r friend & not as a co-worker, I sincerely want U to have a job that make you happy. I think now U already now what U get in the market 4 U-rself. As long as U not waiting too long, I'm sure the future offer will not be too significant from the one right now. Cont.

However, if U think that there's no way 4 **** to match up similar offer in the future than that it's something U may want 2 consider also.

The bottom line is I think U need sometime off to think clearly about all of this. The happiness of **** can only be assure by one person & that is you. You need to make sure that U will take care of U-rself and make U happy. In that sense I think U will know better at the end which decision that will suit U the best. U just have to go to this period where U R questioning and considering a lot of things B4 getting at the end of it. "

So... have i made my decision now? Not yet! But surely gave me some other thoughs..

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Driving vs Public Transport

Kalo aku drive pegi opis:-
Minyak = RM20 x 20 = RM400
Tol (Bdr Seri Putra - KL) = ((RM3.80 x 2) + RM2(kalau lalu smart tunnel)) x 20 = RM192
Parking = RM80
----------------Total = RM672----------------------------

30 - 50 minit kalau tak jem, kalau jem boleh amik masa sampai 2, 3 jam

Naik keta relax, jem2 pun duduk dlm aircond, dengar radio.. boleh melencong ke mana2 sesuka hati.. pastu x payah kelam-kabut nak kejar schedule.. boleh bgn lambat2 :P


Sakit jiwa dgn jem, duit abis kat minyak ngan tol je.. minyak dh laa nk naik harga..

Ni kalo aku naik public transport pulak:-
Komuter (Bangi - KL Sentral) = (RM3.70 x 2) x 20 = RM148
Putra LRT (KL Sentral - Ampang Park) = (RM2 x 2) x 20 = RM80
Minyak (sapa kata keta x payah isi minyak heyyyy) = RM300
-----------------Total = RM528---------------------------


Komuter -> 40 minit - 1 jam, kalo delayed jenuh laa nk tunggu
LRT -> 20 minit
Jalan kaki -> 10 minit

Save sikit dr driving, x tensen dgn jem

Kalau ujan susah sbb kena jln kaki.. komuter selalu problem.. public transport asik penuh susah nk dpt tpt duduk, jenuh berdiri woo.. KL-bangi dah laa jauh.. letih tu.. kena bangun awal.. kena punctual + on time sbb nak kejar schedule komuter + lrt.. banyak buang masa... kdg2 nk kena gi site payahlaa kalo naik public transport...

Sekarang korang tau laa kenapa aku drive keta gi opis kan...

Friday, November 9, 2007

From The Inside... Huhu..

Lately ni aku banyak merepek je dlm blog ni..
Dah jarang bercerita.. chewahh.. macam laa sebelum ni aku byk bercerita pun..
Tapi today.. ntah apesal satu ari aku mood x baik je..
kepala aku serabut pk pasal mcm2 benda..
hati aku rasa x sedap.. kenapa ekk.. kenapa...
kanda selalu pesan.. kalau aku rasa emo semacam je.. baca laa ayat kursi banyak2.. setan ni mmg suka mengacau.. buat kita pk benda bkn2..
Aku hope perasaan ni x lama.. kalo bleh biarlaa xde apa2 yang jadik..

BTW, x lama lagi genaplaa sethn aku kawen.. 1st anniversary.. hoho..
tapi nampaknya belum ada rezeki lagik nak dpt junior..
kdg2 sakit jiwa gak org keliling dok tanya..
dan buat kesekian kalinya kepada sesiapa yg suka bertanya tu...

i've been thinking about jumping my ass to another company.. if given opportunity..
buat masa ni belum ada peluang.. tapi bila pk2 balik.. i love my job.. cuma kdg2 bila datang musim tensen kuasa 20 petala langit tu, rasa cam nak tender je.. alah keja kat mana2 pun sama je tensennya kan.. well.. i guess i'm giving myself another 5 years utk kerja.. after that, Insya Allah kalau ada rezeki, dapat juniors, aku prefer duduk rumah.. hopefully within 5 years tu aku dah setelkan semua hutang keta, loan, credit cards, etc, etc so that boleh duduk rumah je.. ehh.. aku x plan nak duduk goyang2 kaki je kat umah.. sebenarnya cita2 terpendam aku nak buat bisnes dr umah.. aku nak blajar buat biskut/kek sampai terer.. hehe..

pasal rumah.. banyak perancangan aku utk umah.. aku tingin nak cat umah, nak buat awning, nak buat tu, nak buat ni.. tapi semua tu perlukan $$$$$$RM$$$$$$$.. buat masa ni aku x mampu.. aku jeles laa tgk umah yang lawa.. umah aku sofa pun takde lagik.. hihi.. tapi aku tetap bersyukur sebab dah ada rumah sendiri.. Alhamdulillah... sebenarnya kongsi nama tapi nnt tiap2 bulan laki aku je yang bayar.. hehehehe...

pasal privacy kat umah sendiri...
benda ni bukan isu sebenarnya.. tp perasaan aku yang mengada2.. aku dok serumah ngan family laki aku.. kdg2 rasa cam xde privacy.. ye laa dlm umah sendiri pun kena kontrol2 nak buat ape pun.. cuma dalam bilik je bleh huha-huha.. kesian kat aku kan.. kdg2 aku serba-salah (+ kecik ati gak) sebab nak buat ape2 ngan umah sendiri pun kena pk pasal pandangan org lain... contohnya laa.. aku x suka ngan langsir kaler merah tu.. tp ape aku bleh buat.. dh gantung dh pun.. aritu aku letak cermin tu kat depan tangga.. tgk2 dh diubah ke tpt lain..
mcm2 lagi laa.. arrangement kat dapur.. laman.. hmmm ikut suka ati laa.. last2 malas aku nk pk.. yang penting bilik tido kitorg jangan sapa kaco.. aku nak buat ape ngan bilik tu biorkan ajelah.. bilik tu je laa yg aku ada hak sepenuhnya bersama2 ngan laki aku...

Tu je laa buat masa ni.. aku nak balik nnt miss plak Project Runway Malaysia punya finale.. sekian...

My Current Wishlist

If only I have the money... Huhu..

NDS Lite

Dah lama aku teringin nak beli.. Semlm tanya kat kedai game RM700 complete set sekali dgn 1 game + free casing.. cam best.. tp xde duit so x beli..


Hoho lawanya....


Mini Cooper convertible

Comey laa.. Rasa2 cam sesuaiiii je ngan aku ;))

My Paper/Woodcraft Collections

Mari BerBBQ

Aritu aku redeem Citibank points aku ngan BBQ set. Dlm 2 minggu lepas courier antar ke umah. Pas pasang2, ini laa hasilnya..

Tapi sampai la ni kitorg x guna lagik.. Sayang laa pulak.. Hahahahaha...

Wednesday, November 7, 2007