2) Safety gate - this is necessary untuk letak kat tangga bawah umah Bangi.. Little Aliff dah start memanjat2.. hari tu macam dah start aim tangga tu..
3) Walker - main point i bought this walker becoz of the stering..
Aliff loves to play with stering.. bila dia besar sket we'll may get the Logitech set to play with PS3..sooo.. a future GT gamer perhaps? hehe..
4) Cloth diapers - 3 pieces je dulu, so total now baru ada 8.. nnt nak beli banyakkkkk lagik.. i hope i can get him yg ada nice prints plak lepas nih..

5) Birthday cupcakes for my brother (yes he's a Chelsea fan-atic!)
6) Shopping barang2 Aliff - diapers, wipes, nestum, baju(lagi!).. need to list more?
7) Others (rasanya banyak abis kat makan2 je.. paham2lah selera tinggi :P)
Well now, I'm officially broke.. Adehhh...
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