Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Babywearing Pics

These pics were taken on the same day.

This one was shot in the morning, moments before Papa & Mama went out for Pureen warehouse sale. We left Aliff at home with his Nenda.

Yang nih macam kangaroo...

Shortly after this pic was shot, Aliff fell asleep :)

This pic was shot in the evening, when we were about to left home for a shopping session (yes, 2 times shopping in a day).

Yang nih pulak macam koala...

He fell asleep shortly after I put him in this position.
In fact, this is the first time I babywear him in this position.
That's why I asked hubby to capture the moment.
Nampak sangat we love each other kannn.. hik hik..

Look at Mama, senyum gedik2.. hihihi..

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