Mood: Yay!!!!
Yes, sometimes wishes do come true :)
Can't wait to get my SNUGG Mei Tai, SNUGG Diaper Clutch, and most of all, the thing that cost more than 1/2 of my salary, Medela Freestyle!!!
Lepas nih kena makan biskut kering ajelah Mama kat opis :P
p/s: I'll post the pics once I got them ;)
Assalamualaikum & greetings... Please take note that EVERYTHING I jot down here does not reflect myself.. So I won't allow any judgements made based on my blogging.. ok?
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Dak Tecit Demam...
Demam sikit lepas checkup last Sunday..
Sebab kena jab kot..
Kesian dia..
Asyik meragam je..
Kesian kat Mama jugaklah camni...
sebab penat nak melayan kerenah dak tecit ni..
Tapi sape tak sayang anak kan?
Penat2 pun tak kesah...
Oh BTW, dak tecit now already 7.3kg...
wahhh... no wonder lah suma org dh sakit2 tgn dukung..
Mama jugak yg terer kan :D
Monday, December 22, 2008
I Wish... (As Always...)
I wish for...
a Toyota Wish!!!

Went to Alamanda petang tadi, and kat tengah2 tu ada banyak kereta...
Tiga2 MPV yg me + hubby consider as our next car ada kat situ- Grand Livina, Avanza + Wish.. Avanza + Livina is affordable but Wish.. I fell in love at first sight with the car, but knowing that we can't afford it at the moment, I guess I can only have it in my dreams...
Again, I feel sorry for myself for adding another wish even realizing that my wish won't even come true..
Ada sapa2 nak belikan Wish utk aku? Hihi...
a Toyota Wish!!!
Went to Alamanda petang tadi, and kat tengah2 tu ada banyak kereta...
Tiga2 MPV yg me + hubby consider as our next car ada kat situ- Grand Livina, Avanza + Wish.. Avanza + Livina is affordable but Wish.. I fell in love at first sight with the car, but knowing that we can't afford it at the moment, I guess I can only have it in my dreams...
Again, I feel sorry for myself for adding another wish even realizing that my wish won't even come true..
Ada sapa2 nak belikan Wish utk aku? Hihi...
Monday, December 15, 2008
These Are Confidentials Lah!!!!
Zaman sekarang ni, kalau orang lain dapat tau nombor IC kita je pun, besar kemungkinan dah tak selamat...
Contohnya, masuklah ke Laman Mencari Kerja ini, pergi ke Maklumat Segera -> Profil Pencari Kerja, dan masukkan nombor IC..
Kalau kita pernah register masuk dalam sistem ni, SEMUA MAKLUMAT termasuk yang berikut akan keluar:-
- alamat surat-menyurat
- email address
- status perkahwinan
- jenis lesen memandu
- pilihan pekerjaan yg dipohon
- gaji minimum yg kita mintak
- company kita keja sekarang termasuk gaji (WTH!!!)
ohhh sangat dasatlah...
sape2 yg rasa nak stalk orang, kalo korang tau orang tu penah register kat sistem ni + tau IC no dia, go ahead...
mcm mana aku nak withdraw from system ni ye..
kalo withdraw mcm mana nk apply keja..
ish ish..
paling kurang pun buatlah option password..
selamat sikit..
Contohnya, masuklah ke Laman Mencari Kerja ini, pergi ke Maklumat Segera -> Profil Pencari Kerja, dan masukkan nombor IC..
Kalau kita pernah register masuk dalam sistem ni, SEMUA MAKLUMAT termasuk yang berikut akan keluar:-
- alamat surat-menyurat
- email address
- status perkahwinan
- jenis lesen memandu
- pilihan pekerjaan yg dipohon
- gaji minimum yg kita mintak
- company kita keja sekarang termasuk gaji (WTH!!!)
ohhh sangat dasatlah...
sape2 yg rasa nak stalk orang, kalo korang tau orang tu penah register kat sistem ni + tau IC no dia, go ahead...
mcm mana aku nak withdraw from system ni ye..
kalo withdraw mcm mana nk apply keja..
ish ish..
paling kurang pun buatlah option password..
selamat sikit..
Friday, December 12, 2008
So Little Time, So Much To Do!!!
Currently involved in a system development project.
But at the same time need to support for another project.
The one where all the responsible persons sudah lari to another dept,
lari to another project (ok i admit this is me),
cuti bersalin, mahupun busy dengan tanggungjawab2 lain.. hihi...
Actually the one I'm currently working on should be completed by today,
but somehow I believe the timeline will drag again..
Well... I'm not 100% sure about that..
BTW I keep asking myself..
If I know that I am THAT BUSY,
Keyboard off, now!!!
(For blogging only, let's concentrate on the coding.. Yay!)
But at the same time need to support for another project.
The one where all the responsible persons sudah lari to another dept,
lari to another project (ok i admit this is me),
cuti bersalin, mahupun busy dengan tanggungjawab2 lain.. hihi...
Actually the one I'm currently working on should be completed by today,
but somehow I believe the timeline will drag again..
Well... I'm not 100% sure about that..
BTW I keep asking myself..
If I know that I am THAT BUSY,
Keyboard off, now!!!
(For blogging only, let's concentrate on the coding.. Yay!)
My December...
... rocks!
1) Mama let me play all by myself...

2) I just know that I can put my whole fist in my mouth!!!
What a skillful thing to do!!!
3) I learn how to read books...
...and how to put them in my mouth...
BTW this book taste great too.. nyum2...
4) I can pout my lips perfectly in my sleep...
See... muahhh!!!

5) I can roll over by myself, and lie on my stomach without any help.
(Hmmm... I must do this as frequent as I can... show off sket!!!)
6) And most of all, I know that my Papa loves me very much!!! :D
I love you too, Papa!!!
1) Mama let me play all by myself...

2) I just know that I can put my whole fist in my mouth!!!
What a skillful thing to do!!!
3) I learn how to read books...
...and how to put them in my mouth...
BTW this book taste great too.. nyum2...
4) I can pout my lips perfectly in my sleep...
See... muahhh!!!

5) I can roll over by myself, and lie on my stomach without any help.
(Hmmm... I must do this as frequent as I can... show off sket!!!)
6) And most of all, I know that my Papa loves me very much!!! :D
I love you too, Papa!!!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Pom-Pom Girls
Yes, I admit..
I was in the pom-pom squad masa sekolah menengah dulu..
Rasanya masa tu Form 2 kot (or is it Form 1?)...
ada SUKMA kat Johor and they decided to form a pom-pom squad..
nak bagi meriah lagik performance by the school band..
Paling aku ingat dok menari2 lagu Hawaii-Five-O youuuu....
Menggedik2.. Hik hik..

I found this pic kat one of my friend's facebook...
Belek punya belek punya belek sampai abis pun aku tak nampak yang mana satu aku..
Ahaha.. Layankan ajelah..
Yes, I admit..
I was in the pom-pom squad masa sekolah menengah dulu..
Rasanya masa tu Form 2 kot (or is it Form 1?)...
ada SUKMA kat Johor and they decided to form a pom-pom squad..
nak bagi meriah lagik performance by the school band..
Paling aku ingat dok menari2 lagu Hawaii-Five-O youuuu....
Menggedik2.. Hik hik..

I found this pic kat one of my friend's facebook...
Belek punya belek punya belek sampai abis pun aku tak nampak yang mana satu aku..
Ahaha.. Layankan ajelah..
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Dulu dalam perut, sekarang atas perut ;)
Kadang2 bila dah penat dukung Aliff, aku main dengan dia sambil baring2...
Since Aliff suka meniarap sekarang ni, aku selalu letak dia bagi meniarap atas perut aku...
Seronok pulak tu dok tengok keliling ;)

Note: Abaikan lah kaki yang tersesat masuk dalam gambar tu.. hik hik..
BTW, lately nih dia dah start pusing2 badan balik sampai meniarap...
Dulu dah dapat buat tp lepas tu dia macam malas..
takde pulak nak pusing2..
Dlm 2, 3 hari lepas balik Batu Caves, mak cerita dia dok pusing2 pulak...
Nak tunjuk skill kat Atuk + Opah lah tu...
Clever boy :)
Since Aliff suka meniarap sekarang ni, aku selalu letak dia bagi meniarap atas perut aku...
Seronok pulak tu dok tengok keliling ;)

Note: Abaikan lah kaki yang tersesat masuk dalam gambar tu.. hik hik..
BTW, lately nih dia dah start pusing2 badan balik sampai meniarap...
Dulu dah dapat buat tp lepas tu dia macam malas..
takde pulak nak pusing2..
Dlm 2, 3 hari lepas balik Batu Caves, mak cerita dia dok pusing2 pulak...
Nak tunjuk skill kat Atuk + Opah lah tu...
Clever boy :)
Babywearing Pics
These pics were taken on the same day.
This one was shot in the morning, moments before Papa & Mama went out for Pureen warehouse sale. We left Aliff at home with his Nenda.
Yang nih macam kangaroo...

Shortly after this pic was shot, Aliff fell asleep :)
This pic was shot in the evening, when we were about to left home for a shopping session (yes, 2 times shopping in a day).
Yang nih pulak macam koala...

He fell asleep shortly after I put him in this position.
In fact, this is the first time I babywear him in this position.
That's why I asked hubby to capture the moment.
Nampak sangat we love each other kannn.. hik hik..
Look at Mama, senyum gedik2.. hihihi..
This one was shot in the morning, moments before Papa & Mama went out for Pureen warehouse sale. We left Aliff at home with his Nenda.
Yang nih macam kangaroo...

Shortly after this pic was shot, Aliff fell asleep :)
This pic was shot in the evening, when we were about to left home for a shopping session (yes, 2 times shopping in a day).
Yang nih pulak macam koala...

He fell asleep shortly after I put him in this position.
In fact, this is the first time I babywear him in this position.
That's why I asked hubby to capture the moment.
Nampak sangat we love each other kannn.. hik hik..
Look at Mama, senyum gedik2.. hihihi..
Monday, December 1, 2008
KWSP Website
I've been trying to access KWSP's website the whole day,
tapi asik x dapat.. sakit ati betullah..
tapi asik x dapat.. sakit ati betullah..
Only at Petronas Bandar Seri Putra
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