Hari ni start masuk opis balik...
Yay! (Sila baca dgn nada tak bersemangat... Hahaha)
Yg bestnya bila masuk opis diorg ckp aku dah SLIM + nampak MAKIN BERSERI2..
Awal2 pagi kul 3.30 dh bgn perah susu...
Tu lah x buat stok pastu kelam-kabut takut x cukup..
Utk hari ni tinggalkan 5 botol x 4oz, harap2nya leh bertahan laa sampai balik keja nnt... Huhu..
I miss my budak bulat already...
rinduuuu sgt nak sembang2 ngan dia..
rinduuuu nak mandikan dia pagi2...
rinduuuu nak main2 ngan dia...
Tak sabar nak balik ptg nnt..
Assalamualaikum & greetings... Please take note that EVERYTHING I jot down here does not reflect myself.. So I won't allow any judgements made based on my blogging.. ok?
Monday, October 13, 2008
Friday, October 10, 2008
Tak Sampainya Hatiiiiii............
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Online Shopaholic
I've become addicted to online shopping eversince my pregnancy.
I love it because of the followings:-
- I can take as much time as I want, without being bothered by the salesgirl or promoter.
- Easier to look for certain items. Use the Search function and walla!
I'll be redirected to few options for that particular item.
- I don't have to dress up and drive to the store. Even kalau akak tepek bedak sejuk muka mcm tepung gomak pun yet I still can shop.
- Everything's delivered to my doorstep. No need to carry them from store to home.
- Shopping cart! I can always add and remove items from my cart sampai pengsan. If I did it at the store,
letih laa akak... Amik. letak balik.. amik balik, letak balik.. tapi tak bayar2 jugak.. ahaha..
- Price comparison: Different stores might offer discounts. Kalau nak survey kat kedai, shop-hopping would be tiring.
Kalau online, site-hopping tu just by entering url and click-click-click..
- The excitement nak tunggu barang sampai. Kalo beli kat kedai kita dh tau brg tu mcm mana kira kurang sket excitednya.
Tapi kalo beli online, barang sampai je cam dah tak sabar2 nak bukak tgk ngan belek2 brg tu.. Pastu bleh membebel sorang2 whether puas ati ke idak ngan barang yg kita beli tu. Dan kadang2 bleh membebel pasal courier service tu sekali :P
The main reason I shop online utk barang2 baby sebab most items yg aku berkenan tu tader jual kat kedai2 sini.
Kalo ada pun kedai yg aku susah nak pegi + tak reti nak cari...
Nih brg2 yg aku beli online sejak aku pregnant:-
- Breastpump (bid kat ebay)
- Bottle drying rack
- Infant matress set
- Swaddle blankets
- MAM anti-colic bottles + teats
- Bottle Sterilizer
- Home + car bottle + food warmer
- Baby Wrist rattle
- ape lagi ekk mcm dh tak ingat lak..
Pas bersalin plak aku mcm tetiba gila survey nursing items.
Nih apa yg aku dh beli:-
- Nursing blouse x 2
- Nursing bra x 2
- Tummy tube
- Buku: Panduan Penyusuan Susu Ibu bagi Ibu Berkerjaya
- Ring sling
- Baby pouch
Tak banyak kannnnn... hihi...
And I got this email...

Aku order ringsling lebih kurang mcm ni tapi corak kain aku pilih sendiri :)
Kira mcm custom-made laa lebih kurang...

Tak sabarnyaaaaa nak tunggu barang sampai!!! :D
I love it because of the followings:-
- I can take as much time as I want, without being bothered by the salesgirl or promoter.
- Easier to look for certain items. Use the Search function and walla!
I'll be redirected to few options for that particular item.
- I don't have to dress up and drive to the store. Even kalau akak tepek bedak sejuk muka mcm tepung gomak pun yet I still can shop.
- Everything's delivered to my doorstep. No need to carry them from store to home.
- Shopping cart! I can always add and remove items from my cart sampai pengsan. If I did it at the store,
letih laa akak... Amik. letak balik.. amik balik, letak balik.. tapi tak bayar2 jugak.. ahaha..
- Price comparison: Different stores might offer discounts. Kalau nak survey kat kedai, shop-hopping would be tiring.
Kalau online, site-hopping tu just by entering url and click-click-click..
- The excitement nak tunggu barang sampai. Kalo beli kat kedai kita dh tau brg tu mcm mana kira kurang sket excitednya.
Tapi kalo beli online, barang sampai je cam dah tak sabar2 nak bukak tgk ngan belek2 brg tu.. Pastu bleh membebel sorang2 whether puas ati ke idak ngan barang yg kita beli tu. Dan kadang2 bleh membebel pasal courier service tu sekali :P
The main reason I shop online utk barang2 baby sebab most items yg aku berkenan tu tader jual kat kedai2 sini.
Kalo ada pun kedai yg aku susah nak pegi + tak reti nak cari...
Nih brg2 yg aku beli online sejak aku pregnant:-
- Breastpump (bid kat ebay)
- Bottle drying rack
- Infant matress set
- Swaddle blankets
- MAM anti-colic bottles + teats
- Bottle Sterilizer
- Home + car bottle + food warmer
- Baby Wrist rattle
- ape lagi ekk mcm dh tak ingat lak..
Pas bersalin plak aku mcm tetiba gila survey nursing items.
Nih apa yg aku dh beli:-
- Nursing blouse x 2
- Nursing bra x 2
- Tummy tube
- Buku: Panduan Penyusuan Susu Ibu bagi Ibu Berkerjaya
- Ring sling
- Baby pouch
Tak banyak kannnnn... hihi...
And I got this email...
Aku order ringsling lebih kurang mcm ni tapi corak kain aku pilih sendiri :)
Kira mcm custom-made laa lebih kurang...

Tak sabarnyaaaaa nak tunggu barang sampai!!! :D
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
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