A few days ago, I went to MPH Midvalley.
Niat di hati nak cari programming references, tapi tak banyak choices lak.
Kena pegi Kinokuniya KLCC baru rambang mata.
Pastu terjumpa ni...
Terus beli..
I used to have this interest in planes, particularly air fighters since my A-Level year.
Masa tu rajin kumpul poster.
There was a booth in PKNS Shah Alam that sells posters, and it has such nice collections of planes/flights posters. So I bought a few, dan maka bertampal2lah di almari dan dinding kat sebelah katil. But now, all those posters entah ke mana pun taktau. Agak kechiwa gak. Sayang betul, sebab lawa2. Nowadays memang dah tak jumpa la. One day I will go to PKNS balik and try tengok kot2 booth tu ada lagi (you wish!).. hehe..
Lepas tu, woodcraft pulak.
Yang ni pun banyakkkkkk collections.
Tapi pun banyak rosak dan hilang ditelan zaman.
Seb baik murah je. Tapi effort nak memasang tu.. perghhh.. tak penah la aku sesabar ni..
Yang jenis calendar yg mcm ni pun penah beli.
But sadly, masa tu kenduri kawen. Simpan dlm satu almari kat guest room, the next time tengok2 dah hilang. Marah sangat. Sbb dah la susah nak jumpa. And very nice. I love it so much! Mahal pulak tu. Masa beli tu tak silap the last box. Yang ni nanti rasanya nak cari lagi la. Untuk tahun depan pulak.
Cuma yang malas nak beli is the plane/flight model.
Sebabnya kalo beli yg jenis camtu, kena ada proper almari utk display.
Tambah pulak ngan ada budak2 ni, macam susah sangat nak kumpul2 ni.
But I really hope I can start again this hobby, and with a nice collections.
Itupun kalo ada duit lah kann.... hehehe...
Oh btw, do you know where did I get my nickname, 'Panavia'?
It is actually extracted from 'Panavia Tornado', an air fighter.

The Panavia Tornado is a family of twin-engine, variable-sweep wing combat aircraft, which was jointly developed by the United Kingdom,West Germany and Italy. There are three primary versions of the Tornado; the Tornado IDS (interdictor/strike) fighter-bomber, the suppression of enemy air defences Tornado ECR (electronic combat/reconnaissance) and the Tornado ADV (air defence variant) interceptor.
Developed and built by Panavia Aircraft GmbH, a tri-national consortium consisting of British Aerospace (previously British Aircraft Corporation), MBB of West Germany, and Aeritalia of Italy, the Tornado first flew on 14 August 1974. It saw action with the Royal Air Force(RAF), Italian Air Force and Royal Saudi Air Force in the Gulf War. International co-operation continued after its entry into service within the Tri-National Tornado Training Establishment, a tri-nation training and evaluation unit operating from RAF Cottesmore, UK. Including all variants, 992 aircraft were built for the three partner nations and Saudi Arabia.