Monday, July 28, 2008

Make You Smile... :)

Dah lama x dgr lagu ni...

Cam mood jiwang laa plak ;)

Make You Smile
Artist: +44

The last time I saw you, you turned away
I couldn't see you with the Sun shining in my eyes
I said "Hello" but you kept on walking
I'm going deaf from the sound of the freeway

The Last time I saw you, you turned away
I couldn't hear you with your voice ringing in my ears
Do you remember where we used to sleep at night?
I couldn't feel you, your always so far away

The first time I saw you, you turned away
I couldn't see you with the smoke getting in my eyes
I said "Hello" but you kept on walking
I'm going deaf from the sound of the DJ

The first time I saw you, you turned away
I couldn't hear with the noise ringing in my ears
Do you remember where we used to sleep at night?
I couldn't feel you, your always so far away

I don't, don't wanna take you home
Please don't, don't make me sleep alone
If I could, I'd only want to make you smile
If you would stay with me a while

The next time I see you, you'll turn away
I'll say "Hello" but you'll keep on walking
The next time you see me, i'll turn away
Do you remember where we used to sleep at night,
I couldn't feel you, your always too far away.

I don't, don't wanna take you home
Please don't, don't make me sleep alone
If I could, I'd only want to make you smile
If you would stay with me a while

I don't, don't wanna take you home
Please don't, don't make me sleep alone
If I could, I'd only want to make you smile
If you would stay with me a while...

Template Baru... Lagi?

Macam x pecaya je kan...
Aku guna template kaler PINK...


tp tgk byk2 kali.. cumel gak...
so sweeeeeetttt... :D


Kenapa ekkk.....

Makin dekat dgn due date aku makin moody...

Selagi baby lum kuar, aku makin senang bad mood...

Kesian orang_sebelah yang selalu jadik mangsa aku...

Kecik punya hal pun bleh marah2...

Kanda ckp setan kaco tuuuuuuu....

Kena byk2 baca ayat Qursi..


Baby, cepatlah keluar...

Mama dh x sabar niiiiiii.....

Monday, July 21, 2008

Holiday 2008

Last year we went to A'Famosa Resorts for our anniversary getaway...
Also planned to go to Langkawi during my birthday,
but somehow had to cancel it due to financial prob...

This year, still wondering about the destination...

For my birthday, kena tolak tepi laa as I am in my 36th-week-of-pregnancy..
there's no way I'm travelling...

So been thinking of going somewhere during hubby's birthday..
kira celebrate sekali harung ngan anniversary lah..

By that time, need to consider our first junior as well..
Xleh gi jauh2 ahh.. baby masa tu umur dlm 3 bln lebih kot..

What I have in mind is Bukit Tinggi...
org kata situ tader apa..
ada laa Japanese Garden ngan Colmar apentah namanya...

Oklah takat nak jln2 amik angin kan...
What we need most is privacy actually :)

Reality Bites!

Just admit it...

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Best Bargain :)

got a package yesterday...
i won bidding this item on ebay..
very excited eventhough bkn leh pakai skang..

i got this for a price a lottttttt cheaper than here..
kalo NIB will cost almost RM700 here, and 2nd hand pun i bet at least cost above RM400..
this one is 2nd hand...
i got it for RM260++ include shipping (from US)..
siap dpt extra manual spare parts lagik...

cam semangat je kan..

pasnih aku nk jenguk ebay cari sterilizer la plak..
marah laa laki aku kalo tau aku dok kemaruk online shopping..

Monday, July 7, 2008

Cuci Telinga

Last week telinga kanan aku tersumbat...
Gi klinik dr ckp aku korek2 tinga pakai cotton bud pastu taik tinga tu tertolak masuk ke dalam + jadik tersumbat..

Sakit woo.. rasa x besh je..
dah laa pekak sebelah..

Dh tensen sgt, hari Jumaat tu mintak tlg ayah bwk pi ENT Specialist...

Ayah bwk aku gi satu hospital ENT kt sebelah Pusrawi Jalan Ipoh...

Lama gak tunggu turn..
Igtkan tak ramai...
Dlm kul 11 lebih baru turn aku..

Dr check tinga.. dia tunjuk suh aku tgk mcm mana dlm tinga aku tu..
Mmg byk taik tinga.. haha.. malu aku..

Lepas tu dia ckp dia nk cuci.. guna vacuum..
Mula2 dia buat belah kiri dulu..
Cuci abesss laaa..
Pastu belah kanan plak...

Tapi belah kanan x cuci abes..
Dr ckp nk kena letak ubat cairkan dulu..
sbb dh jadik keras xleh nk sedut pakai vacuum..

Nurse suh aku baring kt katil wad..
Lepas letak ubat dia suh lepak2 situ tunggu dlm 1/2 jam..
Siap bukakkan tv so that aku tader aa bosan...
seb baik laa ada katil bleh aku tido jap..

Pas dlm 45 minit baru sambung cuci balik..
Cuci abesss..
Serta-merta pendengaran aku jadik clear..
Dh x sakit..
Sangat laa best..
Bak kata member aku, bunyi semut pun leh dengar..

Kena caj RM120 utk dua2 belah..
Dr siap bagi aku MC utk ari Jumaat tu.. Yay!
Tapi kesian ayah aku kena tunggu lama..
Mengada2 betul anak ayah sorang ni kan.. :D